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Call for articles — Switching to Linux
October 25 is the last day of support for Win10 and over 400 million PCs can't upgrade to Win11. I see lots of posts on...
Microsoft Warns 1 Billion Windows Users—Do Not Use Password
This headline on Forbes is not quite as strange as it looks at first. The article is about how Microsoft is trying to move that...
Moving from Windows 10 to Linux
Instead of purchasing a new computer just to run a new version of Windows, consider installing Linux.
The Linux Philosophy for SysAdmins, Tenet 18—Document everything
“Real programmers don’t comment their code, if it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand and harder to modify.”
— unknown
Signal Messenger: Privacy, Simplified with Open Source
Messaging apps have revolutionized communication, reshaping our daily lives and relationships. It’s hard to imagine a time without SMS paving the way for near-instant connectivity....
Create a patch from differences in a file with the diff and patch commands
When you collaborate on a digital project with someone, it's a guarantee that eventually someone's going to need to send you changes they've made to...
Connect to a Windows drive from Linux
Here’s how I connected my Linux system to a Windows AD fileshare.
Reading a whole file at once
Two methods to load a data file into memory. Use mmap on Linux sysetms.
Old-school programming with Turbo C
Explore retroprogramming on FreeDOS with this popular freeware IDE. A Treasure Trove of Free Vector Images
I am not a talented artist, but I enjoy using graphics for greeting cards, posters, and occasionally hoodies or t-shirts. When I need an image...
Update Linux from the command line
Be a power user by updating your system from the command line.
Calculate pi by counting pixels
This is a very simple way to measure pi, but it was a fun exercise and I wanted to share it.
Kernel musings
Being a curious sort of person, I wonder about a lot of interesting things. For some reason, I've started wondering about the Linux kernel and...
Don’t skip the learning process
Using AI as a tool to do a thing still relies on knowing how to do the thing yourself.
btop — the top of my dreams
The top program is the original system monitoring and management tool for Unix and Linux. It performs its task well and with a minimum of...
What Robbie the Robot can teach us about AI
Way back in 1956, when I was ten years old, my parents took my brother and I to a drive-in movie theater to see the...